North Coast County Water District

Stetson’s services to the District were acknowledged during the 2017 ribbon cutting ceremony and given honorary notice on a dedication plaque that now exists on the tank site.

Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

Stetson Engineers provided the Combat Center with a series of reports to aid management of the Combat Center’s stressed water resources efficiently.

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Stetson Engineers has provided technical services and support for numerous water rights and water supply tasks on United States Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton for more than 15 years. These tasks have ranged from providing comprehensive engineering services necessary to develop a $60 million water supply facility to those required to support permitting and agency … Read More


The town of Wadsworth is located on the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, in Washoe County, Nevada. Wadsworth had numerous independent water systems and individual domestic wells that needed to be consolidated and managed as one system to provide sufficient resources. To do so, Stetson developed a Water System Master Plan including: